About me

From my youth on I was fascinated by the idea that a varied natural diet is not only energy but also fuel for how our body to function well into old age.

However, my professional career first took place in various functions in the airline industry, where I always enjoyed dealing with many people from other continents. After that, I completed further training and education in the areas of HR/personnel development, emergency psychology, pastoral care and intercultural interaction. My interest in health issues was influenced by my personal experiences and, in summary, by the following three beliefs:

  • Life is a precious gift from our Creator God, and therefore we has to take a certain amount of personal responsibility in order to stay healthy.
  • Performance at work as well as in sports is strongly dependent on the state of health, personal habits and an active lifestyle.
  • The observation that the food pyramid as well as various diets are subject to the spirit of the times and therefore cannot be sustainable.

These considerations led me to develop my interest in biological and orthomolecular medicine and to train myself in this field. My additional training as BLACKROLL® trainer and Matrix therapist, both of which work on a cell biological level, complements my offer in an optimal way and can help you to achieve a holistic well-being.

Based on this, I am highly motivated to pass on and apply my acquired knowledge about prevention, nutrition and Matrix-Therapy® in a personal, individual consultation, therapy program or in a workshop.

Your health is important to me and I am very happy to hear from you.


Sincerely, Sabina Weber

  • Certified training / seminar in orthomolecular medicine at Kingnature AG / Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
  • Naturopathic Oncology Seminar, Dr. Neil McKenney, BSC, ND
  • Certified further training modules intestinal rehabilitation/structure/regeneration Swiss Biological Medicine Academy, Dr.med. Heinz Lüscher
  • Swiss Biological Medicine Academy, Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
  • Further training in mRNA gene therapy, molecular biology and psychoneuro-immunology, by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Hockertz & Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
  • Advanced training seminars on the subjects of osteoporosis, lactose intolerance, antioxidants, superfood
  • Certified BLACKROLL® Trainer
  • Certificate as Matrix-Rhythm Therapist, MaRhyThe®, Dr. med. Ulrich G. Randoll
  • Technical literature/studies - The Healing Nutrients / Free Radicals

Client feedback

"Now I am already 2 weeks with the therapy program. I already feel better than at the beginning! I.e. the joint pain, which I still had at the beginning, has disappeared. Also, I am not as tired and flabby as I have been in the past weeks and months since July. Of course I can't stick to everything, which would be desirable, but I have changed some things. I have found the rhythm with the intake of the vital substances well, complaints e.g. constipation etc. have not appeared. Many thanks in the meantime!" S.H. from Zollikerberg

"More than 3 years ago I entrusted myself to you as an elderly person after a serious illness. With enormous expertise and even greater humanity and understanding in all life questions and situations, I am totally happy that I can always ask you for advice. I always get a good answer and treatment on which I can build and look into the future. Thank you, thank you for everything!" Hildegard, Zollikon

"The good advice and wonderful products from Kingnature helped me through a difficult time and also strengthened some of my friends who also had similar health challenges! Thank you Sabina and the team, bravo!" Sandra, Portugal

"I have been using Kingnature products for 5 months and I can only draw positive results. I have suffered from reflux for a long time. Medications like Pantoprazole etc. did not help me. Then Sabina suggested me a therapy that worked like a miracle. The burning sensation in the esophagus was gone immediately. The flatulence subsided and my condition in general, improved: better digestion, better sleep quality as well as the food intolerance. This also worked because I changed my eating habits according to the therapy ( three real meals, no snack in between or only a little, drink a lot of water, less café). And so I continue and find the products excellent." Kristina, Meilen

"The consultation in April 23 was very detailed and comprehensive. I had constant fatigue, tension in the back, and allergy attacks partly after eating certain foods, accompanied by constant itching in the back. Through a 3-month cure with vital substances, I could already feel an improvement of the symptoms after the first weeks of therapy. My sleep became deeper and more restful. I was able to change bad eating habits thanks to Sabina's comprehensive advice. Even with little effort, I was able to make a better breakfast, which made me fitter and more focused at work during the morning.Allergy attacks and stomach aches after meals quickly decreased thanks to the cure and the elimination of certain foods. It was also important to me that Sabina described very precisely the recommended intake of the various vital substance products. In this way, I was able to achieve the best effectiveness right at the beginning by keeping the distance to meals and other medications. In addition, thanks to Sabina's uncomplicated manner, I was made aware that I do not have to follow a strictly one-sided diet, but that the goal of being able to eat from everything again is very important. I can only recommend the consultation with Sabina!" Andrea

"With great care, competence and sound knowledge, Sabina Weber guided me through my much-needed intestinal rehabilitation and was able to adapt to me and my challenges. She was able to offer me the ideal approach and dietary adjustments that could be easily integrated into my everyday life, which led to long-lasting success. I have been living with a healthy gut for 3 years now, have gained a lot of knowledge about what I can do for my health and feel the effects throughout my body. More vitality, stronger immune system, weight loss, stabilization of mood a.s.o." E. S., Zurich

"After unsuccessful medical treatment, Ms. Weber's competent and unpretentious support allowed me to experience for the first time how someone dealt intensively with my state of health and tried to find a solution that not only alleviates the symptoms, but also takes a holistic approach and enables the body's self-healing process. I hope that many more people will have this experience and that they will be spared a long period of suffering as a result." Jeannine, Germany

"Dear Sabina, in the context of my upcoming knee operation and thanks to your recommendations, I was able to get my immune system up to scratch. As a result, my surgical wound healed very quickly at Triemli Hospital and at the Zurzach-Care rehabilitation clinic in Zollikerberg, and I was able to reduce or stop taking painkillers after just 3 weeks. I am convinced that thanks to your holistic counseling and therapy of approx. 4 weeks in relation to an intact immune system, my knee replacement is now well on its way after 5 weeks. Thank you very much!" Kurt D., Zollikerberg